We are happy to announce that our loyalty program is live! Program details are as follows. Register an account with us today and start to save!
You Earn points when you

- Create an account with us = 500 points
- Make a purchase = 5 points per $1 spent *
- Refer to a friend = 1,000 points **
- Leave us a : ) review = 500 points ***
* City specials and some bulky items are not eligible for earning points.
** Referee’s first order must be above $50. One reward per referee. Head to “My Account” page for more details once you’ve logged in.
*** Leave us a review at ProductReview & let us know by emailing [email protected]. One reward per order.
Redeem points during checkout

- 100 points = $1
- 500 points = $5
- 1,000 points = $10
**** Loyalty points expire in 6 months – The points earned from each transaction will be treated separately.